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Discover step-by-step instructions on configuring a connection with ADFS. Learn how to integrate your application with ADFS for secure and streamlined SSO authentication.

Create new Relying Party​

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Access your Windows Server & Open Server Manager
  2. Click on "Tools"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

Access AD FS Management

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Click on "Relying Party Trust"
  2. Once "Relying Party Trust" is highlighted, right click on it.
  3. Click on "Add Relying Party Trust"

Relying Party Trust Wizard​

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. In the Relying Party Trust Wizard select "Claims aware"
  2. Then click on "Start"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. You're invited to select the Data Source, select: "Enter data about the relying party manually"
  2. Click on "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Set a Display name
  2. Add notes if you wish to
  3. Then click "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

Click on "Download Certificate" button at the right of this wizard

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Now in the Relying Party Trust Wizard click on "Browse"
  2. Upload downloaded certificate, then click "Next" TIP πŸ’‘ : If the downloaded file doesn't appears in your Files Manager, select "All files *.*" to find the PEM certificate file on your machine

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. On the URL Configuration Screen: check "Enable support for the SAML 2.0 Web SSO protocol"
  2. Paste "Relying party SAML 2.0 SSO servicer URL" value you find in the right side of this tutorial πŸ‘‰
  3. Paste it into the corresponding field on your ADFS and click "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Copy "Relying party trust identifier" value you find in the right side of this tutorial πŸ‘‰
  2. Paste it into the corresponding field on your ADFS.
  3. Click "Add" and "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. You're now invited to select the Access Policy you want
  2. After your choice click "Next"
  3. Review all setup in tabs then click "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

Review your Relying Party Trust settings and click "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

In the final wizard screen uncheck the checkbox and click on "Close"

Edit Claim Issuance Policy​

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

In your AD FS, right click on your newly created Relying Party then click on "Edit Claim Issuance Policy"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

In the window that appeared click on "Add Rule..."

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Select "Send LDAP Attributes Claims"
  2. "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. In "Claim rule name": Send attributes
  2. In "Attribute store": Active directory

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. In the "Mapping of LDAP attributes" section, please fill out the fields as shown above
  2. Click on "Finish"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

Create a new rule again by clicking on "Add Rule"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Select "Transform an Incoming Claim"
  2. Then "Next"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. In "Claim rule name" πŸ‘‰ "NameIDPolicy"
  2. In "Incoming claim type" πŸ‘‰ "UPN"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. In "Outgoing claim type" πŸ‘‰ "Name ID"
  2. In "Outgoing name ID format" πŸ‘‰ "Transient Identifier"
  3. Check "Pass through all claim values" and click "OK"

Relying Party Trust Properties​

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Now click on the created Relying Party
  2. Then click on "Properties"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

Open the "Advanced" tab and make sure the algorithm is "SHA-256"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Now go to the "Signature" Tab
  2. Click "Add..."

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

Then pick the PEM certificate that you downloaded earlier

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Now that the certificate is set click on it
  2. Click "View..."
  3. If the certificate is not installed, install it.

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Now that the certificate is correctly set and installed go to the "Endpoints" Tab
  2. Click on "Add SAML..."

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. In "Enpoint type" select "SAML Logout"
  2. Select "Redirect" as "Binding"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. In "Trusted URL" paste the "Trusted URL" value you find in the right side of this tutorial πŸ‘‰
  2. In "Response URL" paste the "Response URL" value you find in the right side of this tutorial πŸ‘‰
  3. Click "OK"

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr

You can edit the "SAML Assertion Consumer Endpoints" to set the item as default (click and "Edit...")

SSO ADFS integration with Cryptr
  1. Click "Apply"
  2. Then "Ok" to finish the setup

Test SSO login​

Test SSO login