Free magic link, password and MFA  with

Auth features like SSO that make your app enterprise ready

Get features like single sign-on that help you convert more B2B customers, whatever their authentication or employee directory provider. Just a few lines of code to start working with enterprise customers.

No credit card required

Universal Login Gateway - Cryptr
  • Sarbacane
  • Holivia
  • Kelio
  • Kamae
  • Promyze
  • Inpulse
  • MerciYanis
  • Saagie
Free password
Free magic link
Free MFA
Free google and microsoft oauth
Free password
Free magic link
Free MFA
Free google and microsoft oauth

We democratize the basics of login for zero, then build the enterprise plan of your solution

SSO Connection

Single Sign-On integration of many identity providers

Provide Single Sign-On integration to your customer’s identity solution that offers a convenient, secure, and efficient way for them to accelerate onboarding and adoption of your services.

  • SAML
  • OpenID
SSO Connection

Directory Sync

Users & Group provisionning and deprovisionning

Offer your customers a complete automation of their employee input-output lifecycle on your application in real time, with improved security and streamlined processes.

  • SCIM
  • LDAP
Directory Sync

Audit Logs

Events monitoring in real time

Enhance the cybersecurity posture of your customers by offering proactive monitoring, efficient incident response, and the ability to maintain regulatory compliance.

  • SIEM
Audit Logs

The IT Admin Onboarding


A self served IT Admin Onboarding for your Customers

Relieve your support team from the perpetual hassle of setting up SSO for enterprise clients. The IT Admin Onboarding serves as a hosted platform where IT administrators can effortlessly configure Cryptr

  • Compatible with many identiy providers. You will choose your provider, we provide many integrations, like Microsoft, Google, Okta, Ping Identity...
  • Your own configuration portal, your own colors. A dedicated white label customer IT admin access and space.
  • Beautiful wizard. Your clients' IT administrators will not be used to such a powerful user experience for their identity configuration.
  • Support step by step your customer. Step-by-step tutorial, adapted to your identity solution, with screenshots and detailed explanations. No security knowledge is required.
  • Credentials management. Customer get all your credentials, certificates, and metadata for their provider, specially generated for them, and nobody else.
  • Onboarding life-cycle. Send an onboarding invitation by email, monitor the progress, get notification of the success.
IT Admin Onboarding - Cryptr
IT Admin Onboarding - Cryptr
IT Admin Onboarding - Cryptr
IT Admin Onboarding - Cryptr
IT Admin Onboarding - Cryptr
IT Admin Onboarding - Cryptr
IT Admin Onboarding - Cryptr

With Cryptr, they do business with the corporate world


Endorsed by both startups and global industry leaders

Become part of the increasing community of customers who rely on Cryptr for authentication and users management.